Here are some common questions to help you get started with DevBookmark.
DevBookmark is a powerful tool to save, organize, and easily access all your valuable development resources, including articles, tutorials, and code snippets. Whether you’re managing study materials or building up a tech library, DevBookmark keeps everything at your fingertips.
Yes, you can currently search by keywords. Advanced search options, including filters for tags and categories, are in development to make it even easier to find exactly what you’re looking for.
Our bookmark management is built around flexibility. You can organize resources with tags, folders, and collections. We’re also working on customizable folders and enhanced tagging options to provide even more control over your collections.
The DevBookmark dashboard gives you an organized, user-friendly space to manage and interact with your saved resources. Upcoming updates will add advanced sorting and filtering to help you find what you need faster.
Customizable folders are coming soon! This will allow you to organize resources in ways that match your unique workflow, making it easier than ever to manage your projects and interests.
Currently, you can share collections publicly or directly with specific users. Soon, we’ll be adding even more ways to connect and collaborate, including following other users and shared collections for teams.
We’re excited to announce that reading progress tracking is on our roadmap! This feature will allow you to mark items as read or in-progress, helping you stay organized and reach your learning goals.
Yes, personalized recommendations are coming soon! Our AI-driven suggestions will highlight resources that match your interests and activity, helping you discover valuable content effortlessly.
Analytics are on the way! Soon, you’ll be able to view insights into your learning habits and engagement with saved resources, providing a clear picture of your progress and helping you optimize your time.